Amidst the intricate threads of my college journey, Model United Nations (MUN) emerged as a captivating pursuit—an extracurricular realm that bestowed upon me profound exposure and experience in the realm of global affairs and the profound interplay between technology and its role in combating these pressing global challenges. Reminiscing on the HYLC (Hindustan Young Leaders Conference) MUN of 2013, where I proudly represented Kenya within the UNEP council, I vividly recall my impassioned plea for action on the pressing issues of global warming and climate change.


During that pivotal juncture, Dr Shashi Tharoor commanded an awe-inspiring presence among MUNers, revered for his eloquent speeches at the United Nations and his unyielding advocacy for India on the international stage. As the tides of time shape a new generation, I believe S Jaishankar now assumes a position of prominence among MUNers, his unwavering convictions molding India's modern foreign policy and revitalizing our nation's image, reminiscent of its glory in centuries past.


Tharoor's remarkable prowess lay in fearlessly unmasking the realities of India's tumultuous history under British and other invading forces. I deeply admire his audacious style of reflecting the truth back at the British in their own language, unearthing the profound depths of our collective history through meticulously researched facts and figures. His incisive insights into the colonial era evoke a powerful sense of pride, revealing the resilience of our nation. However, as Tharoor embarked on a new journey after his tenure at the United Nations, controversy inevitably surrounded him, from the tragic loss of his beloved wife to his remarks on Hinduism in his literary works.


Yet, we must not let controversy overshadow Tharoor's lasting impact. He has taught us to articulate our grievances and express our pain with a keen eye on justice. Today, as Jaishankar delivers his resounding speeches, he goes beyond mere critique of past wrongs, exclaiming to the world that those days are long gone—today, we stand as the embodiment of our glorious past. Each of Jaishankar's powerful speeches resonates deeply, and I cannot help but burst into joyous laughter upon hearing his resolute words like: "Wake up and smell the coffee, Article 370 is history. Sooner people realize, the better."


The importance of choosing representatives who embody our country's essence is of paramount importance to me. The future prospects of our company, Yantiksh Cybernetics, hang in the balance, poised to make a global impact. The world's perception of our products will undoubtedly hinge on the image we project as a nation.


In conclusion, the Dance of Diplomacy unveils itself as an exquisite art form, gracefully uniting communication and words in a captivating performance. It necessitates a profound understanding of social dynamics, cultural nuances, and interpersonal relationships—a delicate choreography that fosters understanding and harmony through skillful verbal exchanges. Moreover, it possesses the power to dismantle false narratives, employing words as precise and strategic movements to challenge misconceptions and reshape perspectives.


Unfortunately, I regretfully decline the invitation to the Best Diplomats MUN in Thailand, as the festive seasons in India beckon, and I find myself engrossed in important plans for the growth of my company. Nonetheless, I encourage young minds to actively participate in MUNs, for it is within these hallowed halls that future leaders are shaped, their voices honed, and the dance of diplomacy continues to enchant generations to come.