Amidst the ebb and flow of our transcendent bond, my father orchestrated a technological symphony, captivating my youthful spirit. From the humble brick game to the enchanting cassette video games and the mesmerizing keyboard video games that allowed me to explore realms of creativity, he painted my world with vibrant hues of digital marvel. As time unfolded, the symphony evolved, embracing the ethereal melodies of CD video games and the immersive realms of computer video games. Each year, his fervor for technology manifested in a gift that awakened my curiosity and fostered a deep-seated love for the boundless possibilities of the digital realm.


In a world often burdened with expectations, my father's unwavering support embodied freedom. Despite his esteemed position as a doctor, he never dictated the path I should tread. Instead, he presented me with a canvas upon which I could paint my dreams. When the moment arrived to pursue engineering, he listened attentively, cherishing my aspirations. The canvas expanded, inviting me to choose the hues that resonated with my soul. I disclosed my inclination towards the ethereal realm of computer science or the captivating allure of automobile engineering. Understanding my yearning, he encouraged me to follow my passion, ultimately embarking on a journey that would shape my destiny.


Throughout my college years, his celestial whispers resonated in my ears, a steady presence of guidance and encouragement. His calls, adorned with wisdom, illuminated the path ahead, a compass directing me away from the storms of discontent. His unwavering belief in my abilities forged an unbreakable bond, inspiring me to strive for greatness and cherish the gift of education he had bestowed upon me.


Amidst the tapestry of our shared triumphs, shadows of adversity crept upon our horizon. My father's health deteriorated, casting a veil of uncertainty over our once vibrant bond. With determined steps, we sought solace within the hallowed halls of SGPGIMS, renowned as the seventh best hospital in North India. It was there, amidst the labyrinth of medical expertise, that the disheartening truth emerged—cancer had stealthily invaded my father's being. Driven by an unwavering love, I embarked on a quest to find the finest sanctuary for his healing. From the zeniths of the world to the shores of Asia and my homeland, India, the Tata Medical Hospital in Mumbai beckoned. Yet, the tendrils of fate had entwined too tightly, and despite our efforts, the cancer had progressed to its final stage, casting a pall of sorrow over our hopes.


Within the tapestry of his existence, my father's altruistic spirit illuminated the lives he touched. Selflessly, he extended his hand, empowering others to find livelihoods and embrace lives of dignity. Never did he seek recompense, content in the knowledge that he had made a difference. Today, I carry his luminous legacy within my being, endeavoring to embody his virtues as a father, husband, brother, son, and a beacon of compassion in society. Inspired by his example, I navigate the path of life, guided by his unwavering love and his commitment to making the world a better place.


As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a golden glow upon my journey, I am reminded of the poignant connection I shared with my father. His love, interwoven with the tapestry of technology, illuminated the path to my truest passions. Though his physical presence may have transcended, his essence dwells within me, resonating in my pursuit of computer science and driving innovation. With every transformation I achieve at Yantriksh, his legacy thrives, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this symphony of love, my father's spirit dances, forever guiding me towards a future built upon the foundations of his profound wisdom and unyielding affection.